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2. ZHANG X, GUO Y, WANG T, et al. Antibiofouling performance and mechanisms of a modified polyvinylidene fluoride membrane in an MBR for wastewater treatment: Role of silver@silica nanopollens [J]. Water Research, 2020, 176
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5. CHEN M, ZHENG J, DAI R, et al. Preferential removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from contaminated waters using an electrocatalytic ceramic membrane filtration system: Mechanisms and implications [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387
6. AN Y, WANG M, ZHOU Z, et al. Enhancing biodegradability of industrial park wastewater by packing carriers and limited aeration in the hydrolysis process [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 264
7. ZHENG J, XU S, WU Z, et al. Removal of p -chloroaniline from polluted waters using a cathodic electrochemical ceramic membrane reactor [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 211
8. WEN Y, CHEN Y, WU Z, et al. Thin-film nanocomposite membranes incorporated with water stable metal-organic framework CuBTTri for mitigating biofouling [J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 582
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10. JUNJIAN Z, ZHIWEI W, JINXING M, et al. Development of an Electrochemical Ceramic Membrane Filtration System for Efficient Contaminant Removal from Waters [J]. Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52(7)
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2. 吴志超,低能耗膜-生物反应器污水资源化新技术与工程应用,科技部,科学技术进步奖二等奖,2009
3. 吴志超,低能耗膜-生物反应器污水资源化新技术与工程应用,教育部,科学技术进步奖一等奖,2009
4. 吴志超,微污染原水生物法-超滤-消毒工艺处理的应用研究,上海市,科学技术进步奖三等奖,2001
1. 用于污水处理的电化学耦合动态膜组件和反应器及其应用,ZL201811344625.4
2. 一种抗污染自清洁型GO/ZnO-PVDF薄膜及其制备方法,ZL201810722839.4
3. 一种基于三级膜分离技术的污水处理和能源回收方法,ZL201811282224.0
4. 一种适用于水源水污染物去除的阴阳极内置式陶瓷微滤膜反应器,ZL201710462562.1
5. 一种具有抑藻功效的季铵盐改性环氧涂层及其制备方法,ZL201910219932.8
6. 一种抗菌抗生物污染聚合物分离膜的制备方法,ZL201710483401.0
课题组多年从事膜法水处理技术相关科学研究及实际工程应用工作,注重培养科研与工程能力兼备型人才,现诚招硕士生、博士生,欢迎有志学子加盟课题组!有关情况咨询电话:021-65980400, E-mail: wuzhichao@tongji.edu.cn